Transforming medical examination management through advanced software solutions
  • Category -Healthtech
  • Employees – 70+
  • Backend – Mysql
  • Location – Florida, US
  • Technologies: PHP, Mysql, HTML, CSS, jQuery
  • Frameworks – Laravel
  • Software for Interpreting various Scans and helping Doctors make better decisions
  • Frontend – HTML, CSS
  • Tools – Git, Jira
About Client
Clinical Imaging Experts: A 25-Year Legacy

Bringing over 25 years of expertise in interpreting magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography, computed tomography, ultrasound, and energetic high-frequency electromagnetic radiation, our client is a seasoned provider of digital radiology services. Their comprehensive offerings include MRI, CT, PET CT, ultrasounds, and X-rays.

Our Health-tech Client-about
Our Health-tech Client-requiremnt
Elevating Hospital Operations with Innovative Software

The client envisioned a sophisticated software solution to elevate the operational efficiency of hospitals. They aimed to create a seamless process for patients to book appointments for various medical examinations. Additionally, the system needed to empower patients to access their reports directly from the software. The requirements also included the implementation of a comprehensive dashboard for radiologists and transcribers.

Our Health-tech Client-sc
What we built for them
Revolutionizing Hospital Operations: Our Innovative Software Solution

Our team designed and developed a state-of-the-art software solution responding to the client’s needs. The platform enables hospitals to facilitate direct appointment bookings for various medical examinations. Patients can effortlessly retrieve their reports from the software, with a rich array of detailed data and multiple report options. The software includes a specialized dashboard catering to the unique workflows of both radiologists and transcribers.

Key Features
Enhanced Functionality Overview
  • Audio Recording for Dictation

    Implemented an advanced audio recording feature to facilitate dictation, optimizing the transcription process for increased efficiency and accuracy.

  • Stripe Payment Integration

    Integrated Stripe payment functionality for secure and convenient monthly payment cycles and the flexibility to upgrade or downgrade plans as needed.

  • PDF report creation

    Enabled the generation of reports in PDF format directly from the transcriber’s text, ensuring standardized, easily shareable, and professionally presented reports.

  • Comprehensive Data Insights

    Provided in-depth data insights and analytics within the dashboard, empowering healthcare professionals with actionable information for informed decision-making.

  • X-ray and Medical Report Viewer

    Introduced a convenient window popup feature for the seamless viewing of X-rays and other medical reports, such as MRI and CT scans, enhancing accessibility for healthcare professionals.

Streamlined Efficiency and Enhanced Experience

This comprehensive solution not only streamlines appointment booking processes but also enhances the overall efficiency of medical examinations. The integration of advanced features caters to the specific needs of the radiology domain, offering a seamless, secure, and user-friendly experience for healthcare providers and patients alike.

We would be happy to discuss your project goals

Our strategy is profoundly rooted in our culture of excellence, as we keep up with the most recent developments, continually research new technologies, and promote practical cross-functional cooperation.